Freud lifestyle

Lysa mountain
the highest mountain of Moravian-Silesian Beskydy
Lysa mountain is the highest peak with its altitude of 1323 m. It is the protected landscape area of Beskydy.Thanks to the location it is one of the most rainy places in Czech Republic. The Lysa mountain‘s nickname is Gigula. Lysa mountain offers splendid panoramic views of the Beskydy Mountains and the Jeseniky valleys. In good weather you can see the High Tatry and the Western Tatry. At the top of Lysa mountain, visitors can enjoy refreshments and accommodation.

Wooden statues
In the center of our village there is an outdoor exposition of local carver Luděk Vančura, where visitors can see many sculptures of both animals and fairy-tale characters. The gallery is open daily from 08:00 to 20:00 hour.

Radhost Mountain
a mysterious mountain with a heathen past
Radhost Mountain (1129 m) is traditionally associated with the worship of the heathen god of hospitality, fertility and harvest - Radegast. According to the legend, his statue has been destroyed by Solana missionaries Konstantin and Methodius, who arrived in Great Moravia in the 9th of century A.D. at Radhošť. Nowadays on the way from Pustevny to Radhost peak we can find the statue of Radegast – made by Albin Polasek. On the top of the Radhost mountain is located a chapel of St. Cyril and St. Methodius and the Radegast hotel.

Stezka mezi korunami stromů Pustevny
Nadzemní panoramatická Stezka Valaška je dlouhá 610 metrů, přičemž lesní úsek po věž je dlouhý 390 metrů a zbytek tvoří chodník na 22 metrů vysokou kaskádovitou věž. Součástí je skleněná vyhlídková plošina a 150 metrů dlouhý zavěšený "himálajský" chodník. Stezka nabízí dvě unikátní technická řešení. Zavěšený chodník, jehož konstrukce se zatím nikde v republice nepoužila, a skleněnou vyhlídku. Ta má evokovat pocit, že člověk stojí ve vzduchu. Návštěvníci tak prožijí chvíle v korunách stromů, kde je nádherný výhled na hřeben Beskyd. Stezka je rozmístěna ve výšce od čtyř do patnácti metrů a součástí je již zmíněn vyhlídková věž i lanový chodník dlouhý 150 metrů.

Nová, moderní, bezpečná a adrenalinová zábava po celý rok je nejen pro děti, ale také pro dospělé zajímavý zážitek. Necháte se vyvézt do 620 m n.m., kde Lysou horu a Smrk máte jako na dlani. Poté fičíte téměř kilometr dolů tak rychle, jak sami chcete. Můžete si přibržďovat nebo rovnou pustit. Boby jsou dvoumístné. Jízda je povolena dětem od 3-8 let v doprovodu dospělé osoby. Do 90 cm výšky jsou děti zdarma. Více informací naleznete na

The Hukvaldy castle
the largest castle ruin in Moravia
Hukvaldy Castle lies on an elongated hill, 150 meters above the village of the same name, known primarily as the birthplace of world-renowned composer Leos Janacek. In addition to the tour of the castle and the field, what is accessible - in contrast to the castle - all year round, it is possible to visit the Memorial of the composer in Podoborí. Hukvaldy Castle is one of the largest castles in Moravia. On the hill above Hukvaldy village, in the midst of a field filled with fallow-deers and mouflons, there is a visible, extensive fortification of the castle. From its tower there is a beautiful view over the Beskydy ridges, the town of Koprivnice, Pribor and Frycovice to Ostrava.

Wallachian nature museum
in Roznov pod Radhostem
Wallachian nature museum is a Moravian open-air museum located in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. It is the second oldest museum in the countryside in Central Europe. The oldest part of the museum is the Wooden Townlet. Museum was open to the public in 1925. The Wallachian Village is the largest part of the open-air museum, where more than 70 buildings are concentrated. Farm buildings, chalets, stables, forges and windmills represent the typical settlement of Wallachia. The Water Mill Valley is the youngest part of the museum and collects functional technical buildings (the water mill, the saw mill, the hammer, the oil crusher). Throughout the year, the museum presents events inspired by folklore, folk habit and traditional crafts ...
The regional museum in Koprivnice
Koprivnice city – famous for Emil Zatopek as well as Tatra cars, you can find the permanent exhibition of Emil and Dana Zatopeks and three museums – Lachian Museum, Reeve´s House Museum and Technical Tatra Museum, where you can visit the most comprehensive collection dedicated to Koprivnice road, later known as phenomenal car manufacturer Tatra . Sixty cars and trucks from all stages of production are complemented by chassis, engines, models, designer designs, trophies from sporting events, period photographs and various rarities ...

The Ostrava ZOO
The Zoo park in Ostrava, located in Northern Moravia region, is known as one of the unique, family friendly and beautiful zoological gardens in Czech Republic which has got a high rate of visitors. The Ostrava Zoo will fulfill all your desired expectations. Have an enjoyable moments!

the center of the dark sky
The center of the dark sky can be found in the middle of the biggest darkness found in the Beskydy Mountains - on the ridge of Grun at an altitude of 880 meters, near the village of Staré Hamry. In the entire Moravian-Silesian region this place is the furthest away from all disturbing urban lighting. Thanks to this, there is an exceptionally good visibility of the starry sky, the Milky Way and, with the help of our large telescopes, also the objects of deep space. If you have any questions, please use e-mail or call +420 603 594 256. Especially in the autumn and winter months it is advisable to check the weather conditions, as here is often clear, although in the cities and valleys is cloudy or foggy.

Production, shop and gallery of Unipar candles
Shop and production is located in a quiet location in Roznov pod Radhostem. You can buy an exclusive series of candles that are closely tied to the tradition of Czech glass and crystal, these products are mainly shipped to Dubai. You can also choose from current trend collections and take away the memory of pleasantly spent moments in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. In addition, you have a chance to see a gallery of limited edition candles made for world-famous customers. You can see special series of candles that come to luxury hotels in Dubai, Europe, America and elsewhere. A part of the shop is also production, where you can see the detailed explanation.